Welcome to Mommies with Hope

Come and find solace as you get to know us who share in this journey of grief. We have been praying for you and extend our deepest and sincere sympathy. We “hope” you experience comfort and peace in this safe haven of love and support.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Been a While...

Well, ladies...you are so incredibly patient with me.  And for that, I am thankful!  The last few months have been a whirlwind of sorts.  Finishing the book I've been working on (more details to come!) and working full-time have taken a great deal of time, leaving little leftover for keeping up on the blog.  Forgive me? (Say yes?! Say yes?!)


The Lord has been teaching me so much lately.  Honestly, I don't even know where to begin...  I'm learning much about leadership and ministry, giftedness and callings, God's purpose and will in our lives, and the list goes on.  I realize each of these topics are very broad, encompassing a variety of scenarios that any one of you could relate to.  The one central theme that runs through each of these very broad topics and life itself is the gospel.  It always comes back to the gospel, as it ought to.  I am continually amazed at the power and the love demonstrated by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

When I consider any of the following scenarios...

...My role as a leader in the Mommies with Hope ministry
...How God may use me and the experiences He's walked me through
...The gifts and the abilities He has given me
...The calling He has placed on my life
...His purpose in the midst of my pain
...His will in every area of my life - family, friendships, ministry, and work
...The furthering of His kingdom
...The fruits of my labor

...May it always be centered on the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

That is my prayer for you tonight, fellow mommies.  May you know Him in the most intimate of ways, surrendering your hearts and lives to the love that He demonstrated on the cross.  That's the gospel...He died so that you might live.  May you know and receive this precious gift as you embrace a gospel-centered life.

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