Welcome to Mommies with Hope

Come and find solace as you get to know us who share in this journey of grief. We have been praying for you and extend our deepest and sincere sympathy. We “hope” you experience comfort and peace in this safe haven of love and support.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Purpose in the Pain

Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel.
Philippians 1:12

The apostle Paul wrote these words to the Philippians from the confines of a jail cell. He was suffering for the cause of Christ and was confident that there was purpose in the pain. Like Paul, I had the privilege of hearing from a very special Mommy who shares his heart in her love for the gospel. This Mommy I speak of has suffered too. Her first baby boy went to be with Jesus 3 1/2 years ago. Just last week, she found out she was pregnant with her third child. Days later, she realized that this baby would be joining his or her big brother in heaven. She sent me a message with the news that read,

"I have very sad news - I am miscarrying our baby right now. Thank you for praying for me and our family. My only prayer is that God works a great miracle through this loss and His kingdom would be advanced."

That His Kingdom would be advanced. It's a miracle, indeed, to see how God uses circumstances to build His Kingdom. Having the perspective akin to this Mommy illuminates purpose in the pain. I spoke to her by phone today and in our discussion, she called to mind the many ways in which she's seen God work through other losses in her life and how He has faithfully done so in others' lives. His kingdom has been advanced. People have come into a saving relationship with Jesus. That is truly a miracle. There has been purpose in the pain. All for His glory...for His Kingdom.

What purpose have you found in the pain of of your own loss? Please share...

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